Home staging

If you would like to prepossess with your house or apartment to the possible tentant or buyer,  it must reach a pleasant atmosphere, family well-being and ultimately motivate to buy or rent.


Home staging

is the preparation of the property prior to its sale or lease and the professional presentation on the real estate market. The main purpose of home staging is to prepare the property in way to be attractive to the widest possible range of people. We offer this service, we always try to make change by inexpensive, but well thought out interventions in the interior.


In a few hours we are able to make such changes in your house or apartments, allow the  property affect more attractive to potential bidders.


When to use Home staging?

  • if you want to sell or rent property more quickly
  • if you want to get a better price when selling or renting property


Purpose of Home Staging

  • professionally edit interior,and give your property a chance to make a best first impression, as the first few seconds usually decide whether the property will appeal to a client interest. With our professional interior changes we enhance the attractivity of the property on the real estate market to take interest of the widest possible range of people.
  • present real estate professional on the real estate market
  • depersonalize the interior of the current property owner and induce the atmosphere for a potential buyer.


Save time, money and energy.

In the event of a sale or lease of the property is very important to depersonalize the interior of the current owners of the property. At a lower cost, using existing furniture and well choosen accessories, we create the atmosphere in the interior that attracts potential buyers or tenants.

Home staging is based on how important it is that the owner knew that once you decide to sell or lease the property, apartment or house in the moment takes over the position offered "goods". In order to be sold or rent in the shortest possbile time and at the best price, the „goods“ must be tastefully packaged, be convincing at first sight and best meet the requirements and expectations of future buyers or tenants.


The result of home staging

  • attractive property for a wider range of possible buyers or tentns
  • obtain a better price
  • make the sale or rent in less time.


Presentation of property

Very important is the presentation of your property on the internet. It is necessary to make professinal pictures to take interest of potential buyers or tenants. Also this we offer within the home staging.


It is clearly necessary that the house or apartment which is offered for sale or lease, will be clean and tidy. Therefore, it is necessary to repair even the small defects arising using of the property.


We are all the time searching new ideas to attract your home!


Compare to standard interior design we not create a home for you, but the best impression on the customer, who may be interested in buying your property, or the new tenant. As most people can not really imagine equipment of empty interior, also you don´t have the necessary distance from the space that you have arranged for yourselve.


We offer to you, what except to the experience and knowledges of the market do you expect from our services - attention to detail, matching color schemes, balanced arrangement of furniture in the area, setting light ... Equally, however, the removal of elements that could negative affect customer imagines. We materialize desires and ideas of the client to the premises and do what they dreamed of. Our common goal is to increase the attractiveness and helpt to make quick sale or lease of the property.